Saturday, October 31, 2009


We are all looking for God.
Some people don't know it,
but they are.
Humans have a hunger that cannot
be filled. Money, power, achievements,
youth and old age... we are never
filled up/satisfied.
Evil's greatest weapon is distraction.
Oh how many there are.
We look too for purpose, reason, causes.
Fame? Who can name all the presidents, kings,
leaders; not me, so what is the POINT?
In our innermost being, we know we are more than
flesh and blood. Our purpose is inside us.
Our value is not in health, beauty, brains,
power, or anything that can rust or be taken away.
(I read that in a Book somewhere)
We need to share our love, our Life, who we ARE
with the poor and "rich" alike.
Be present, PRESENT our love for one another;
to everyone we meet, see, or know.
That is eternal.
Even if aliens ruled our planet, we would still have
our God, He is much more visible than the
aliens have been so far.
HE talks to us in the trees, water, children, Bible,
hugs and kisses. If only I was able to stop and SEE
Him more.
I could pass HIM along, maybe show
His (and my) love like
Mother Theresa did.
THAT will reverberate, echo, and ripple
through all time and space.
And just maybe, I think,
make it a better place.
Just some thoughts,
I LOVE You,yes, YOU
Proud of you too...
God Bless....

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder to listen to God in the little ways He speaks each day!!
