Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hold On

Some things are worth holding on to.

Occasionally I visit graveyards. I find them peaceful,
quiet places to rest. There I can meditate
on the eternal things of Value.
As I grow older, more of my friends
and loved ones wait for me there.

My favorite tombstone says something
like this: " The money I had was mine
to do with as I saw fit. The money I left behind
is for my family to divide. The money
I gave away, I took with me."

That is what I will take when I go, my few and feeble
acts of kindness.
As for now; I hold
on to some of my failures. I need to be
reminded how far from true "Good" that I am.
Possibly to learn from mistakes made over and over...

I am so sorry for my actions / inactions that have
hurt so many.
I have wasted so much of my time
here on this Earth.

I need to hold onto Jesus.
Follow Him.
Look at the Map of His Word.
Listen to His directions.
Follow the examples of His Saints.
Draw nourishment from The Gift of His very Self.

He suffered all for all. We are called to follow Him.

I can see the sun, but cannot reach it.
I can see the Son and can reach Him.
I can touch Him with my prayers and actions.
I see Him in family, loved ones, and
I can hug Him in them.
I can hurt / help, or
take no notice at all.
For good or ill, it's my choice.

I try to reach and hold God's goodness. With hands that are
full of this world and selfishness? Impossible.

I pray that I can loosen my grip on my comfort, my pride.
I need to let all fall through
my fingers.

I Need to retain that which does not rust,
cannot be lost, and will never die.
These Treasures can only be held in our hearts... for eternity.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Letting Go

There once was a man Hiking alone in the mountains.

While on his journey, he slipped off the trail,

slid and rolled down 'toward a long drop off.

At the last second he managed to grab a small plant

growing on the edge. He held on to it for dear life,

while his legs dangled over the cliff. He called at the top of his lungs;

"Help ! Is anyone there? Help !" As he yelled, the little plant started to

pull out of the ground. He froze, dug his other hand into the loose dirt

and was afraid to move; lest the plant fail him altogether.

Then he heard a strong voice say, " This is God, let go and I'll catch you."

The man was stilled with wonder and fear; then he

called out louder, " Is there anyone else up there ? "HELP!"....

In Scripture, Elijah asked for an offering from "the widow", she gave her last

bread and oil. She let go of all she had. She Trusted God.

As a reward her oil jar, and flour bin did not go empty; even

through the years of drought and famine.

Was it magic, self filling containers? As a young boy that is

how I envisioned it happening!

I thought that was a neat trick for God to do!

Now, as an older Christian;

I think she continued to trust; and received just

what she needed, when she needed it.

That too is an awesome "trick" for God to do for us.

God wants us to trust Him. Love Him for His own sake.

Thank God, not for the million dollars He can put into my bank, but

for the crust of bread I receive each day, sometimes with gratitude.